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One otherwise quiet evening, several years
ago, my telephone rang and I was greeted by the plaintive voice of an
unknown woman, who identified herself as Bernice Sonna, from Wyoming.
As I gathered my wits to present a vigorous defense against unwanted
magazine subscriptions, life insurance, or credit cards, she added: "...from
the Cogswell Family Association - I just wanted too know why you
didn't renew your membership this year." Now totally off guard, I
innocently allowed the conversation to proceed. Bernice told me that
my complaint was not uncommon, and that the Association was working hard to
overcome its shortcomings, and the problem that I had identified, the
useless database, was the most urgent of her problems.
Being a man of strict
and proper upbringing, I was powerless to ignore the suffering of a damsel
in distress, and asked if, perhaps, I might be of some service. The
trap was thus sprung. She said, "Yes, we have only about a hundred
members, and someone should copy their family records into some kind of an
accessible database." I agreed to tackle this little project, as had
the Rev. Jameson, in my spare time. About two weeks later, a
large cardboard box arrived by United Parcel Service, and I became the
keeper of a pile of assorted papers, and the victim of the most ridiculous,
frustrating, irritating excuse for a computer program I had ever
Six months later, having
had very little success in learning to use the so-called "program," and
having managed to extract a total of eleven names from it, I ordered a new
program, and began writing the Cogswell descendants for additional
information, or for interpretation of illegible information. (In one case, I
had an oil-stained, well used grocery bag, upon which someone had written
his family history, in pencil.) After about a year had passed I had
accumulated a certain body of information, and, during a not infrequent call
from Bernice, the comment was made: "Oh, by the way, did I mention that we
intend to publish a book?" How difficult could it be, I asked myself,
to update the information on a few hundred people? (Those who
fail to understand Rev. Jameson's Preface are doomed to repeat it.)
Two more years, a heart
attack, an angioplasty, and many hundreds of cartons of cigarettes and
barrels of coffee later, my original goal of locating my own
great-great-grandfather Cogswell remains somewhere over the genealogical
horizon, but you are holding the Cogswell Family Association's latest
"Little Pamphlet Update," which became this volume.
Obviously, this book
would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance and labors of
many dozens of cooperative people, whose names would fill many, many pages,
and cannot all be listed here. The Cogswell Family Association is
deeply in debt, and I hope this volume will provide some small measure of
repayment. In addition to the three people mentioned in the
introduction, a few of the many, many descendants who were particularly
helpful and most dedicated to the success of this volume were: Charles
Atwood, Rev. A. Charles Cannon, Marion Cavin, Edward Everett Cogswell,
Edward Russell Cogswell, Jr., Horatio Adams Cogswell, Howard J. Cogswell,
Dr. Howard L. Cogswell, John Heyland Cogswell, Keith & June Cogswell,
Lawrence H. Cogswell, Rev. Malcolm Cogswell, Ralph E. Cogswell, Lt. Col.
William C. Cogswell, Claire Cogswell Daigle, Alexine Dempster, Tanis
Diedrichs, Betty M. Dodge, Etta Faulkner, Edith Hall, Lucia Heins, Phyllis
Leverton, Caroline Lutz, Karen Prickett, Peg Simons, William Wood, and
Janice Yates.
Excerpt from the
"Descendants of John Cogswell: The Cogswell Family 1635-2019"
by Donald James Cogswell
First Generation
1. John
COGSWELL was born on 2 Apr 1592 in Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire,
England. He was baptized on 7 Apr 1592 in Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire,
England. In "The Great Migration," his date of Baptism is given as 2 Apr
1592. He was buried in 1669 at Old North Burying Ground in Ipswich, Essex,
MA. Find A Grave Memorial #21536932. CFA Historian's
records: Buried in Highland Cemetery; Buried in Phipps
Street Burying Ground - both documented by Ancestry. John died on 29 Nov
1669 at the age of 77 in Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex, MA.
Rev. E.O. Jameson: At the age of twenty-three years he
married the daughter of the parish vicar, succeeded to his father's
business, and settled down in the old homestead. His
parents died soon after his marriage, and he received his inheritance "The
Mylls called Ripond, situate within the Parish of Frome Selwood," together
with the home place and certain personal property. Like
his father, he was a manufacturer of wollen fabrics, largely broadcloths and
kerseymeres. The superior quality of these manufactures
gave to his "mylls" a favorable reputation, which appears to have been
retained to the present (1884) day. There are factories
occupying much the same locations and still owned by Cogswells, which
continue to put upon the market wollen cloths that in Vienna and elsewhere
have commanded the first premium in the world exhibitions of our times.
John Cogswell doubtless found in London a market for his
manufactures. He may have had a commission house in that city, which would
account for his being called, as he sometimes has been, a London merchant.
Mrs. Cogswell's father was the Rev. William Thompson, vicar of Westbury from
1603 to his death in 1623. About twenty years after their
marriage, with a family of nine children about them, and having the
accumulations of a prosperous business, Mr. and Mrs. Cogswell determined to
emigrate to America. The particular reasons which led
them to leave England may have been much the same that influenced others in
their times. It appears that early in 1635 Mr. Cogswell
made sale of his "mylls" and other real estate, and soon after, with his
wife, eight children, and all their personal effects, embarked at Bristol,
May 23, 1635, for New England. Their passage was long and
disastrous. Their arrival in America was after a most
unexpected fashion. Having reached the shores of New
England, they were landed very unceremoniously at a place called Pemaquid,
in Maine, being washed ashore from the broken decks of their ship "Angel
Gabriel," which went to pieces in the frightful gale of August 15, 1635,
when such a "sudden, dismal storm of wind and rain came as had never been
known before by white man or Indian." Traces of this
storm remained for years.
Mr. Cogswell and his family escaped with their lives, but well drenched by
the sea and despoiled of valuables to the amount of five thousand pounds
sterling. They were more fortunate than some who sailed
with them, whom the angry waves gathered to a watery grave.
On leaving England Mr. Cogswell had taken along with him a large
tent, which now came into good service. This they
pitched, and into it they gathered themselves and such stores as they could
rescue from the waves.
The darkness of that first night of the Cogswells in America found them
housed beneath a tent on the beach. The next day they
picked up what more of their goods they could, which had come ashore during
the night or lay floating about upon the water. As soon
as possible Mr. Cogswell, leaving his family, took passage for Boston.
He there made a contract with a certain Capt. Gallup, who commanded a
small barque, to sail for Pemaquid and transport his family to Ipswich,
Mass. This was a newly settled town to the eastward from
Boston, and was called by the Indians, "Aggawam." Two
years earlier, March, 1633, Mr. John Winthrop, son of Gov. John Winthrop,
with ten others, had commenced a settlement in Aggawam.
An act of incorporation was secured August 4, 1634, under the name of
Ipswich. The name Ipswich is Saxon, in honor of the Saxon queen Eba, called
"Eba's wych," i.e., Eba's house; hence Yppyswich or Ipswich.
Some derive it from Gippewich, meaning "little city."
"August 5, 1634. It is ordered that Aggawam shal
be called Ipswich.
It was probably near the last of August, 1635, when Capt. Gallup sailed up
the Aggawam River, having on board Mr. and Mrs. Cogswell, their three sons
and five daughters, and whatever of household goods his barque would carry,
the rest of their effects being taken by another ship.
The settlers of Ipswich at once manifested an appreciation of these
new-comers. They made John Cogswell liberal grants of
land, as appears from the following municipal records:
"1636. Granted to Mr. John Cogswell Three Hundred acres
of land at the further Chebokoe, having the River on the South east, the
land of Willm White on the North west, and A Creeke romminge out of the
River towards William White's farme on the North east.
Bounded also on the West with a Creek and a little creeke."
"Also there was granted to him a parsell of ground containinge eight
acres, upon part whereof ye sd John Cogswell hath built an house, it being
the corner lot in Bridge street and hath Goodman Bradstreet's house-Lott on
the South East.
"There was granted to him five acres of ground, which is thus described:
Mr. John Spencer's buttinge upon the River on the South, having a
lott of Edmond Gardiner's on the South East, and a lott of Edmond Sayward's
on the south west; with six acres of ground, the sd John Cogswell hath sold
to John Perkins, the younger, his heirs and assigns.
The grant of three hundred acres of land at the further Chebokoe was some
five miles to the eastward, in a part of Ipswich that was constituted, May
5, 1679, Chebacco Parish; and February 5, 1819, incorporated the town of
Essex. A settlement had been commenced in the Indian
Chebokoe, in 1635, by William White and Goodman Bradstreet."
It appears that John Cogswell was the third original settler in that part of
Ipswich, which is now Essex, Mass. On the records of
Ipswich his name often appears and it is uniformly distinguished by the
appellation of Mr., which in those days was an honorary title given to but
few, who were gentlemen of some distinction. There were
only about thirty of the three hundred and thirty-five original settlers of
Ipswich who received this honor.
Very soon after his arrival, March 3, 1636, by an act of the Court, John
Cogswell was admitted freeman, to which privileges none were admitted prior
to 1664 except respectable members of some Christian church.
To freemen alone were the civil rights to vote for rulers and to hold
public office.
See: The Family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Massachusetts, Part 1,
Descendants of Quarter-Master, John Perkins, by Geo. A. Perkins, M.D.,
Salem, printed at the Salem Press, 1882, pgs 7-8.
Regarding the 45 acre parcel sold by John Perkins to John [1] Cogswell in
Ipswich In The Massachusetts Bay Colony, pp. 290-291, by Thomas Franklin
Waters, The Ipswich Historical Society, 1905: "Five
members of the Cogswell family were among the twenty prominent people who
signed the petition drawn up by the Rev. John Wise on behalf of Goodwife
Proctor, who stood accused of witchcraft. Mary Warren
alleged that she had been threatened and abused by Goodwife Proctor, and
that she had seen apparitions of people who had long since been murdered by
the wife of John Proctor. This evidence prevailed and the good woman was
sentenced to death."
For several years Mr. Cogswell and family lived in the log-house with its
thatched roof, while many of their goods remained stored in boxes, awaiting
some better accommodations. It is said there were pieces
of carved furniture, embroidered curtains, damask table linen, much silver
plate; and that there was a Turkey carpet is well attested.
As soon as practicable Mr. Cogswell put up a framed house.
This stood a little back from the highway, and was approached by
walks through grounds of shrubbery and flowers. There is
an English shrub still, 1884, enjoying a thrifty life, which stands not far
from the site of the old Cogswell manor. This shrub,
tradition says, John Cogswell brought with him from England.
John served on the Grand Jury of Essex 25 Sep 1649 - EQC 1:175.
Libby Noyes Davis, in Maine and New Hampshire Sources, writes: "ROLLINS,
James, Dover (part later Newington), Signed Dover Comb., 1640, bought a
house at Long Reach from James Johnson, 1651, presented for neglecting
meeting in 1656 and for entertaining Quakers in 1659. In 1661 he was in
London, where he received cloth to be delivered to Mr. Cogswell of Ipswich
and Mr. Raynes of York."
Not long since, Mrs. Aaron Cogswell, of Ipswich, had in her possession, it
is said, the famous coat of arms which has been widely copied in the family.
This is described as "wrought most exquisitely with silk on heavy
satin." A few years ago, a stranger borrowed the curious
relic of this too obliging lady, and, like the jewels of the Egyptians,
borrowed by the Israelites, it was never returned.
For some years after the completion of their new dwelling-house Mr. and Mrs.
Cogswell lived to enjoy their pleasant home, surrounded by their children,
well settled, some of them on farms near by, made of lands deeded to them by
their now aged parents. The time came at length, after a
life of change, adventure, and hardship, and Mr. Cogswell died at the age of
seventy-seven years. The funeral service for John Cogswell was conducted by
the Rev. William Hubbard, pastor in Ipswich and since known as 'the
Historian of New England'. The funeral procession
traversed a distance of five miles to the place of burial, the Old North
graveyard of the First Church. They moved under an escort
of armed men, as a protection against the possible attack of Indians.
Mrs. Cogswell survived her husband but a few years. She
was a woman of sterling qualities and dearly loved by all who knew her.
Side by side in the old churchyard in Ipswich have slept for more
than three hundred years the mortal remains of this godly pair, whose
childhood was passed near the banks of the river Avon; who, leaving behind
the tender associations of the Old World, came with their children to aid in
rearing on these shores a pure Christian state. They did
greater work than they knew, died in the faith of the Gospel, and while
their graves are unmarked by monument of stone, their souls are safe in
heaven, their memory blessed, and their names honored by a posterity in
numbers hardly second to that of Abraham.
When the inventory of John's estate came to court, 12 April 1670, Simon
Tuttle and Thomas Clark, Jr., made oath that "our father Cogswell did
promise upon marriage that he would give all he had and what he should more
get unto his daughters Abigail and Sarah, and they should have it when he
and his wife died." Thomas Clark, Sr. supported their claim.
(EQC 4:249.
John [1] COGSWELL and Elizabeth THOMPSON were married on 10 Sep 1615 in
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England. Listed in New England Marriages Prior to
1700, page 167.
Elizabeth THOMPSON, daughter of William THOMPSON and Phillis Rycharde
LYCHSTON, was born in Apr 1594 in Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England. She
died on 2 Jun 1676 at the age of 82 in Ipswich, Essex, MA. She was buried at
Old North Graveyard, First Church, Plot D1 in Ipswich, Essex, MA. Her body
was carried five miles from her home to her gravesite under guard against
Indian attack. Find A Grave Memorial #23966643.
"Old Burying Ground." Elizabeth was the daughter of the Vicar of
their church. Steve Aberle has photographs of the baptism
records from the time period in Westbury Leigh, and neither Sarah or Abigail
are listed. Rev. Jameson, having no proof, estimated
their dates of birth.
See: Vital Records of Ipswich, Vol. II, the Essex Institute, 1910.
Page 525: "Abigail, an Antient Wido," Apr. 2, 1728, a 87y."
Page 698: "Sarah, wid., Jan 24, 1731, a. 86 y."
Elizabeth would have been ages 47 and 52 at the time of their births.
"New England, The Great Migration, and The Great Migration Begins,
1620-1635, Vol. 2, C-F" lists twelve children born to John and Elizabeth,
including the last two daughters.
Elizabeth's father, William Thompson, named her husband as one of his
executors - [PCC 26 Byrde].
John [1] COGSWELL and Elizabeth THOMPSON had the following children:
i. Elizabeth [2] COGSWELL, born 1616,
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married Nathaniel MASTERSON, 31 Jul
Ipswich, Essex, MA; died 24 Jan 1692, York, York, ME.
ii. Maria [3] "Mary" COGSWELL, born 1618,
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married Godfrey ARMITAGE, 1650, Boston,
Suffolk, MA; died 5 Apr 1677, Boston, Suffolk,
iii. Deacon William [4] COGSWELL, born Feb
1619/20, Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married Susanna HAWKES,
1649/50, Lynn, Essex, MA; died 15 Dec 1700,
Chebacco, Ipswich, MA.
iv. John [5] COGSWELL Jr., born 1622,
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married Elizabeth Thoth ROGERS, 1642,
Essex, MA; died 27 Sep 1653, at sea.
v. Phyllis [6] COGSWELL, born 26 Apr 1624,
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married John BROADHURST, 23 Jan 1644,
Chirton, Wiltshire, England; died Westbury Leigh,
Wiltshire, England.
vi. Hanna [7] COGSWELL, born 1626, Westbury
Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married Deacon Cornelius WALDO, 2 Jan 1652,
Ipswich, Essex, MA; died 25 Dec 1704,
Charlestown, Suffolk, MA
vii. Esther [8] COGSWELL, born 1628,
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married Samuel BISHOP; died 7 Jun 1655,
Suffolk, MA.
viii. Edward [9] COGSWELL, born 1629,
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England; married Hanah BROWNE, Ipswich, Essex,
died 1698, Ipswich, Essex, MA.
ix. Alice [10] COGSWELL was born in 1631 in
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England. She was baptized on 24 Sep 1631 at All
Saints Church in Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire,
England. She died in May 1635 at the age of 4 in Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire,
England. Alice is not listed as a passenger
aboard the Angel Gabriel.
x. Ruth [11] COGSWELL was born in 1633 in
Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire, England. She died in 1633 at the age of 0 in
Leigh, Wiltshire, England. She was baptized on 28
Nov 1633 at All Saints Church in Westbury, Leigh, Wiltshire, England. Her
baptism record reads, Ruth Coggswell. Ruth is not
listed as a passenger aboard the Angel Gabriel.
xi. Abigail [12] COGSWELL, born 2 Apr 1641,
Ipswich, Essex, MA; married Thomas CLARKE Jr., 1664, Ipswich, Essex, MA;
married Thomas ANDREUS, 29 Nov 1712, Ipswich,
Essex, MA; died 2 Apr 1728, Ipswich, Essex, MA.
xii. Sarah [13] COGSWELL, born 1645/6,
Ipswich, Essex, MA; married Simon TUTTLE Sr., 29 Mar 1663/4, Ipswich, Essex,
died 25 Jun 1732, Ipswich, Essex, MA.