Cogswell Family Association
A non-profit corporation, organized in Mass., in 1989, dedicated to preserving the history of the Cogswell family
This PayPal option is NEW.
You must complete this option one time
 for Annual Renewal with the Courier
emailed to you to take effect.
Renewable Annual Email Membership
This PayPal option is NEW.
You must complete this option one time
 for Annual Renewal with the Courier
mailed to you to take effect.
Renewable Annual Mail Membership
Renewable Annual Email Membership



    Arm & Crest
    2019 Descendants of John Cogswell
    New Discoveries/Information
    Prominent Cogswells in History
    About US
      Officers, Board Members... 
      CFA Bylaws

Click here  for a printable copy of our membership form, complete the appropriate fields, and mail to:

Secretary, Cogswell Family Association, Inc.
214 140th St NW

Tulalip, WA 98271-8105

Missing Family Members
      Membership Form
      Mission Statement

2025 Membership Dues Notice  

     The Cogswell Courier 
    Heritage Queries
    Links of Interest

       CFA Annual Dues are due on January 1, 2025. The Regular Annual Membership Dues is $10, which includes CFA Christmas and CFA Birthday Cards. Along with your
       CFA membership, you can elect to have the Cogswell Courier (issued three times per year) sent through email, or by postal delivery for an additional charge of $15. 
       Please indicate whether you would like your Courier to be delivered by email ($10/yr) or have the Courier delivered by mail ($25/yr). There are links on the CFA website
        ( that allow you to pay with PayPal, if you prefer.

       For current members, Annual Dues are due January 1st of each year. If the Association has not received your Dues by February 1st I will send you a reminder.
       If the Association does not receive your Dues by March 1, 2025 your CFA Membership will become inactive (until paid).

       Annual CFA Membership Dues are used to perpetuate the Cogswell Family heritage. Checks should be made payable to “The Cogswell Family Association” and
       submitted to:     
Ed Cogswell, CFA Secretary, 214 140th St NW, Tulalip, WA 98271-8105.  

                                                                                           (tear along the dashed line and submit with your payment)


Please update the following information for the paying CFA Member:

 Name:                  _______________________________________         

 Address:              _______________________________________________________


                                                 Phone number:                _________________________                             Birth date: _________________________

Updated 11/29/2024

Amount Paid:    Annual Dues ($10)   □   + Add for Courier Postal Delivery ($15)   □   = (Amt Submitted) _____

       Note: The payment for your CFA Dues needs to be paid in U.S. Funds, issued by a U.S. Bank or with PayPal. A Canadian postal money order is also acceptable
      (as long as it is paid in U.S. dollars. Our bank charges a fee for Canadian Bank checks or money orders, even if they are in U.S. funds.)

Email address:                   _________________________                             Paid with PayPal  

 “The Cogswell Courier” delivery preference (circle one)                               postal mail ($25)               email ($10)

NOTE: If you would like an Annual CFA Membership Card mailed to you check here.    

 If you have any questions, please contact me at, or you can call me at (206) 276-1302.

Best Regards,  Ed Cogswell - CFA Secretary








This PayPal option is good for 1 year.
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